André Ricardo meets Vilma Eid

André Ricardo was born in 1985 in the city of São Paulo, where he currently lives and works. Graduated in Visual Arts from the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo, he held several solo and group exhibitions in Brazil, Portugal, Spain and, more recently, London and New York, where he also held an artistic residency at RU - Residency Unlimited, in 2022. In his research, the artist elaborates a repertoire of images around an ancestral heritage in which he recognizes his identity. The bright and festive chromatic vocabulary that characterizes the artworks are directly linked to the use of egg tempera, a technique that André Ricardo has been researching for about ten years.

Vilma Eid founded Galeria Estação in 2004 in São Paulo, Brazil. In the same year, the gallery launched a curatorial program catering to a broad community of non-canonical artistic voices. By creating transgenerational bridges between emerging contemporary artists and pioneering self-taught artists, Galeria Estação inspired an integrative network of creative figures and creators from diverse geographies and educational backgrounds.

Celebrating Vilma’s 40 years as a Gallerist and André Ricardo’s solo show, we brought them together for an organic conversation about their careers. In this dialogue, they shared the evolution of their artistic journeys, the challenges they’ve faced, and the moments that have defined their paths. Their stories intertwined, revealing a deep passion for art and an unwavering commitment to nurturing creativity.

Invited by Art Dialogues, André Ricardo meets Vilma Eid in São Paulo, 2024.  

André Ricardo in his studio, São Paulo, Brazil. Photo: Julia Thompson.

André Ricardo. Untitled, 2024 – egg tempera on linen,  70.86 x 51.18 inches. Photo: Julia Thompson.

André Ricardo, Adario’s Celebration, 2024 – egg tempera on linen, 11.81 x 33.07 inches.
Photo: Julia Thompson.

André Ricardo in his studio, São Paulo, Brazil. Photo: Julia Thompson.

André Ricardo, detail Untitled, 2024 – egg tempera on linen, 62.99 x 43.30 inches. Photo: Julia Thompson.

André Ricardo, Untitled, 2024 -egg tempera on linen, 11.81 x 33.07 inches. Photo: Julia Thompson.

André Ricardo in his studio, São Paulo, Brazil. Photo: Julia Thompson.

André Ricardo, Untitled, 2024 -egg tempera on linen, 11.81 x 33.07 inches. Photo: Julia Thompson

André Ricardo and Vilma Eid in conversation. São Paulo, Brazil, 2024.

To know more about André Ricardo @andrericardo_studio // To know more about Galeria Estação @galeriaestacao // 

To know more about André Ricardo’s solo show at Galeria Estação:

Special thanks: Vilma Eid, André Ricardo, Giselli Gumiero, Julia Thompson, Zion Comunicação. 

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